Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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Text File
296 lines
typedef struct {
char min[40];
char hour[40];
char day[40];
char month[40];
char weekday[40];
char name[40];
int retrytime; /* minutes between retries */
} schedule_record;
typedef int datalist[61];
typedef struct {
datalist min;
datalist hour;
datalist day;
datalist month;
datalist weekday;
} schedule_list_record;
typedef struct {
time_t time_secs;
char name[40];
char status[40];
} status_record;
void Schedule_To_List(char *Schedule, datalist Schedule_List, int Min, int Max);
void Compute_Next_Call_Time(status_record Last, schedule_record Schedule, struct tm *Next );
int Time_Less_Than_Or_Equal(struct tm *Left, struct tm *Right);
int Time_Less_Than_Or_Equal(Left, Right)
struct tm *Left;
struct tm *Right;
/* check the months first */
if (Left->tm_mon < Right->tm_mon) return TRUE;
if (Left->tm_mon > Right->tm_mon) return FALSE;
/* months are the same, check the day */
if (Left->tm_mday < Right->tm_mday) return TRUE;
if (Left->tm_mday > Right->tm_mday) return FALSE;
/* days are the same, check the hour */
if (Left->tm_hour < Right->tm_hour) return TRUE;
if (Left->tm_hour > Right->tm_hour) return FALSE;
/* hours are the same, check the minute */
if (Left->tm_min > Right->tm_min) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void Schedule_To_List(Schedule, Schedule_List, Min, Max)
char *Schedule;
datalist Schedule_List;
int Min, Max;
/* take a character string describing this schedule entry and
convert it to a list of times that are acceptable, see format
and examples below.
Format (no spaces allowed in actual string):
number :== digit{digit}
range :== number '-' number
item :== range | number
entry :== '*' | item {, item}
"*" "1-5,8" "1,3,5,7,9,11" "0-7,17-23"
int i,k,m;
char *p;
if (strcmp(Schedule,"*")==SAME) {
for (i=0, k=Min; k<=Max; k++, i++)
Schedule_List[i] = k;
/* scan for list entries */
p = Schedule;
i = 0;
while (*p) {
if (isdigit(*p)) {
/* got a number */
sscanf(p, "%d", &k); /* got a list entry */
Schedule_List[i++] = k; /* put it in the list */
while (isdigit(*p)) p++; /* skip past number */
} else if (*p == ',') {
/* got a comma */
p++; /* skip the comma */
} else if (*p == '-') {
/* got a dash, must be a range */
p++; /* skip the dash */
sscanf(p, "%d", &m); /* get the end of the range */
while (k <= m) { /* put entries for the range in the list */
Schedule_List[i++] = k++;
while (isdigit(*p)) p++; /* skip past number */
} else {
Schedule_List[i] = -1;
int Next_Valid_Value(int Last, datalist Valid_List);
int Next_Valid_Value(Last, Valid_List)
int Last;
datalist Valid_List;
int i = 0;
while ((Valid_List[i] <= Last) && (Valid_List[i] >= 0))
if (Valid_List[i] < 0) {
/* didn't find one larger, use the first entry */
return Valid_List[0];
} else {
/* take the larger one we found */
return Valid_List[i];
void Compute_Next_Call_Time(Last, Schedule, Next)
status_record Last;
schedule_record Schedule;
struct tm *Next;
schedule_list_record Valid_Lists;
int carry; /* start with a carry to increment to next time value */
int field = 0;
struct tm Last_Time;
Last_Time = *localtime(&Last.time_secs);
Last_Time.tm_mon++; /* make months 1 based */
*Next = Last_Time;
Schedule_To_List(Schedule.min, Valid_Lists.min, 0, 59);
Schedule_To_List(Schedule.hour, Valid_Lists.hour, 0, 23);
Schedule_To_List(Schedule.day, Valid_Lists.day, 1, 31);
Schedule_To_List(Schedule.month, Valid_Lists.month, 1, 12);
Schedule_To_List(Schedule.weekday, Valid_Lists.weekday, 1, 7);
/* find the next larger valid time for the field */
Next->tm_min = Last_Time.tm_min++;
Next->tm_min = Next_Valid_Value(Next->tm_min, Valid_Lists.min);
if (Next->tm_min < Last_Time.tm_min) {
/* field was set backwards, we must update the less significant fields to their
minimum values */
/* field was set backwards, we must carry 1 to the next more significant field */
carry = 1;
} else {
carry = 0;
Next->tm_hour = Last_Time.tm_hour + carry;
Next->tm_hour = Next_Valid_Value(Next->tm_hour, Valid_Lists.hour);
if (Next->tm_hour < Last_Time.tm_hour) {
/* field was set backwards, we must update the less significant fields to their
minimum values */
Next->tm_min = Valid_Lists.min[0];
/* field was set backwards, we must carry 1 to the next more significant field */
carry = 1;
} else {
carry = 0;
Next->tm_mday = Last_Time.tm_mday + carry;
Next->tm_mday = Next_Valid_Value(Next->tm_mday, Valid_Lists.day);
if (Next->tm_mday < Last_Time.tm_mday) {
/* field was set backwards, we must update the less significant fields to their
minimum values */
Next->tm_hour = Valid_Lists.hour[0];
Next->tm_min = Valid_Lists.min[0];
/* field was set backwards, we must carry 1 to the next more significant field */
carry = 1;
} else {
carry = 0;
Next->tm_mon = Last_Time.tm_mon + carry;
Next->tm_mon = Next_Valid_Value(Next->tm_mon, Valid_Lists.month);
if (Next->tm_mon < Last_Time.tm_mon) {
/* field was set backwards, we must update the less significant fields to their
minimum values */
Next->tm_mday = Valid_Lists.day[0];
Next->tm_hour = Valid_Lists.hour[0];
Next->tm_min = Valid_Lists.min[0];
/* field was set backwards, we must carry 1 to the next more significant field */
carry = 1;
} else {
carry = 0;
Next->tm_mon--; /* make months 0 based again */
** checkcron()
** check if we should call a system at this time.
** returns 'S' if system needs be called
** returns 'I' if system doesn't need to be called
** "need" is based on schedule file not by what is spooled, use "any"
** if you want to send spooled data out.
** system needs to be called if any of the following conditions are met:
** (1) status file "ST.<system>" doesn't exist
** (2) status file indicates last call failed and the elapsed time since
** the failure exceeds the retrytime entry in the schedule file.
** (3) status file indicates last call was ok and according to the
** schedule file there should have been a call during the time when
** the last called occurred and the current time.
FILE *fp;
char line[BUFSIZ];
char stfile[80]; /* constructed status file name */
int n;
time_t Cur_Time_Secs, Retry_Expiration;
schedule_record Schedule;
status_record Last;
struct tm Next, Current_Time;
/* got a real problem if schedule file is missing */
if ((fp=FOPEN(s_schedule, "r", 't')) == (FILE *)NULL)
return('I'); /* no schedule, so don't call anyone */
n = 0;
while (n==0 && fgets(line, BUFSIZ, fp) != (char *)NULL){
/* line format:
min hour day month weekday system retrytime */
n = sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %d",
Schedule.min, Schedule.hour, Schedule.day,
Schedule.month, Schedule.weekday, Schedule.name,
if (n != 7 ||
strcmp(rmtname, Schedule.name) != SAME) n = 0;
if (n == 0) return ('I'); /* didn't find the system in schedule, don't call it */
/* we have the schedule now, now we need the current status */
sprintf(stfile, "%s%s", s_statfile, rmtname);
/* if there is no status file, assume it has never been called */
if ((fp=FOPEN(stfile, "r", 't')) == (FILE *)NULL) return('S');
n = 0;
if (fgets(line, BUFSIZ, fp) != (char *)NULL) {
/* got status line into buffer */
/* line format:
ctime system status
ctime is epoch time in seconds from time function
status may be OK or FAILED */
n = sscanf(line, "%ld %s %s",
&Last.time_secs, Last.name, Last.status);
if (n != 3 ||
strcmp(rmtname, Last.name) != SAME) n = 0;
if (n == 0) return ('S'); /* didn't get it's status line, call it */
if (strcmp(Last.status,"OK") != SAME) {
/* last call failed, see if the retry time has expired */
Retry_Expiration = Last.time_secs + Schedule.retrytime * 60;
if (Cur_Time_Secs >= Retry_Expiration)
return ('S'); /* retry time past, call system again */
return ('I'); /* not time yet, don't call system */
} else {
/* last call was successful, see if it's time to call this system again */
Compute_Next_Call_Time( Last, /* time of last successful call */
Schedule, /* time schedule pattern */
&Next); /* next time it should be called */
if (Time_Less_Than_Or_Equal(&Next, &Current_Time) == TRUE)
/* the Next time has past (it's less than the current time) so that means
we should call this system */
return ('S'); /* call this system */
return ('I'); /* not time to call yet, don't call system */